Illustrations for Absolut Blank


Jellyfishenroyale Notebooks are in Milk Gallery!


Şahkulu Mh.
Balkon Çıkmazı 8, Istanbul

More from Notebooks

It was the project about Gothic Concept in Turkey, i think there is a midpoint with this lyrics which blongs to one of my favorite band Babazula, I took some part of lyrics as a good bye part on my notebook project, inside of the notebook will come soon.

Here is the link about song;

MSGSU Illustration II Project
With Memed Erdener Istanbul/ 2009

Some Covers of my own sketch books

2010-2011 Istanbul- Weimar

Istanbul A Story Of Every Corner Of The Street Workshop

I've joined this workshop, This is the book published about the workshop.
A publication by students department Forum Design Academy Eindhoven and Students Department Graphic Design Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University İstanbul.

İstanbul 2010

This book was made possible with generous support of the Consulate General of the Netherlands in İstanbul and province of Noord Brabant under the ambition 2018Brabant Cultural Capital of Europe / Candidate.

Time is yours!

Commercial Photography Project

Coordinator: Saygun Dura

2011 MSGSU Istanbul

Wallpeople was in Milk Gallery yesterday!

Wallpeople is a cultural project whose main objective is to bring people together in order to create and entertain, be part of a moment on a specific urban place while composing a unique non-repeatable work of art made by hundreds of people.

The objective is to create the biggest photo mural in Barcelona, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Nicosia, Lisbon, Rome and Valencia.

Here are somephotos from the event!

Illustrations for Wrangler Autumn/Winter 2011 'Mark Your Territory!'

Photos: Zeynep Vargil
This project is a collabration with Flyermen Guerilla Solutions

2011/ İstanbul